Title Pawn Loans – Access Fast Cash Quickly
It’s not something anyone enjoys, but cash emergencies do tend to happen unfortunately. Many times people struggle for quite some time while trying to recover from a financial emergency and some never get out of the rut they’re put in. However, many people also don’t realize that title pawns are a quick way to access some much-needed cash without worry of your credit score.
Have Bad Credit & Need Fast Cash?
You can still be approved for a title pawn loan if you have less than perfect credit. Unlike traditional bank loans, title pawns don’t base your eligibility off of your credit history. Yes, you need to be able to make the payments on the loan, but your credit shouldn’t be the reason you are denied for a personal cash loan. A title pawn loan means you can get your hands on the money you need, repaying the loan in full to receive your car title back.
Car Title Pawns Defined
If you’ve never heard of a title pawn loan or maybe you hadn’t considered getting one until recently not to worry. A title pawn has many names; title loan, collateral loan, and pink slip loan among others. The primary reason many people choose this kind of loan is that it’s easy to apply and get approved and puts cash in your hands faster than traditional loan methods. In addition, it’s a popular choice because it doesn’t base your qualifications off of your credit; past or current.
Instead, you use your vehicle title as collateral for the loan. Meaning, when you take a loan, you hand your title over to the lender. You then make monthly payments on your loan and once it’s paid back in full, the lender returns your title to you.
There are some drawbacks that come with title pawn loans so we always encourage borrowers to ask questions before signing anything. Whether you get a car title loan with us or another lender, it’s important that you understand the terms and just exactly what you’re agreeing to. Some companies will waste no time taking your vehicle if you lapse on payments, regardless of why you missed a payment or were a few days late.
We believe in providing see-through, up-front, no-confusion title pawn loans to residents and part of that is helping potential borrowers understand our terms. Our goal is to provide superior, quality service at all times. While title pawn loans are not an ideal option for everyone, for those that need some extra cash we are here to make it simple and hassle-free.
Do I Need A Job To Pawn My Title?
Obviously, you can’t take a loan without having money to repay it. However, this money can be income from another source rather than solely employment. Your social security or disability benefits could be used to pay back a title pawn loan, among other income sources. If you’re unsure just give us a call. Be advised that we do not lend to borrowers that cannot afford to take out a loan. Our goal is not to be the bad guy, but to be the good guy when you need emergency financial assistance.
Requirements Of Title Pawn Loans
You can apply for a short term loan at The Net Lender upon meeting a few requirements; don’t worry, they’re less than traditional loan methods. The main requirement is that you are the sole owner of the vehicle being used to apply for the loan. The second main requirement is that the title has no liens on it. In addition, the following is required to apply and obtain a title pawn loan:
- Must Be 18 Or Older
- Lien-Free Vehicle Title
- Proof That You Own The Vehicle
- Proof of Income
- Proof of Residency
- Proof of Vehicle Insurance
- Valid Photo ID
If you have any questions regarding our requirements just contact one of our loan specialists today.
How Much Cash Can I Receive With My Title?
This is often the very first question we are asked when someone’s interested in obtaining a pink slip loan. And that’s understandable. The amount you qualify to receive will vary, however the minimum we provide is $1,000*. The way in which we determine how much you qualify to receive is by the market value of your vehicle. So, the more your vehicle is worth, the more cash you could get. We also like to mention that you aren’t required to take the full amount you’re approved for. If you only need a certain amount, then that’s all you have to take. You can find out in minutes if you qualify by calling one of our title pawn loan reps at (888) 663-7074 or completing our online application form.
Ready to Apply? Get A Title Pawn Loan Online Now
You don’t have to wait around if you’re ready to find out if you qualify for a short term title loan. We believe in convenience and for that reason we have a simple online application form. This allows borrowers to apply in minutes or find out if they qualify for a loan before contacting us. Submit the online form and once your information is received and reviewed, one of our title pawn specialists will be in touch to provide more details if you’re approved. Should you have any questions at all, we encourage you to contact us.
* Certain restrictions apply.