You And A Car Title Loan

Many people do not think to take out a car title loan in times of financial need.
- You have had a loan before but didn’t do very well with managing it. As a result it negatively affected your credit score. Now you don’t believe that you qualify for any kind of loan. You do!
- Perhaps you have been paying the minimum on your credit cards lately and figure you can’t apply for any kind of cash loan because of it.
- You believe that auto title loans are only used for a handful of situations or scenarios. Luckily, a car title loan can be used for just about anything you can imagine.
So What Is a Car Title Loan?
It is a short term loan that you make against your car. This means you put your car up as collateral against the loan. This is the reason it’s a more available and preferred source for just about anybody. It can be hard to get a different kind of loan if you have maxed out credit cards, a poor payment history, bad credit or perhaps even a bankruptcy.
And a car title loan can help you to improve all those things, and get a step up on life.
Suppose you decide to take out a vehicle title loan at The Net Lender where 99% of qualified applicants are approved. You stand a pretty good chance of getting an auto title loan regardless of your credit. You may qualify for as much as 60% of the wholesale value of your car.
Best yet, you keep your car and keep on driving it, while you have a vehicle title loan with us. So to break it down a little bit:
- Obtain a loan and get the cash you need.
- Pay off your financial need or emergency.
- Keep driving your vehicle.
- Improve your credit a little bit in the process.
How Else Can You Use a Car Title Loan?
There are many uses for an auto title loan and they might include auto repairs, home renovations, credit card consolidation, school tuition, and so much more. Whatever you need cash for, you can likely use the money from an auto title loan to take care of it.
What Do I Need To Qualify?
The main criteria for qualifying for a car title loan at TNL is that you 1) own your vehicle outright; 2) have a lien-free title; 3) have a minimum monthly income of $1,200. You can review the other criteria on our title loan FAQ page.
How Can I Apply For A Car Title Loan?
Just visit us online at any time. Use our hassle-free online application form. The process is simple and quick but more importantly, private. You’ll hear back promptly from one of our title loan reps. Your funds can be deposited into your account, sent as a moneygram or you can pick up a check when it’s ready at your nearest TNL location.
Find out what it’s like to have a reliable, dependable, honest and low-interest short-term financial provider by calling TNL today at 888-663-7074 or simply apply online!